Rehab, Restore, Move

How can We help You?
Sometimes you just need some help to get back to fitness. Whether its being able to go for a walk, being able to run again or getting back to the sport you enjoy. When things go wrong with some sort of ache or injury what will you do? You could do nothing and just rest and see how it goes or get some help.
Over the years we have worked with many different individuals helping them to restore movement. It may be a runner with knee pain, to the individual with back pain or shoulder pain, where we will use the methods we have learnt to help restore function.
When you have an injury or pain, it would be quite feasible to blame the joint or muscle in question. Take for instance a knee problem, although you feel the pain in the knee it may be from the way that your foot lands on the floor or your hip stability that may have an impact on your knee problem where investigating further up or down the chain can often help.
Back pain is a common condition that probably most have suffered with in some form, and quite commonly it will ease over a few weeks, but for some in can linger on, and again you would certainly feel that the problem was in the back. This may be true, but there can be different reasons for the back pain that are not often thought about. There are research studies that look at a connection with how you breathe affecting back pain. You could also be over protecting your back - in the winter when its slippery out on the path we tend to tense ourselves up when walking, its the same if you don't trust your back or movement, you will tense up and not be able to move naturally. You may have a job that is one sided so you develop some sort of compensatory movement, where testing may show up different restrictions in your movement from one side to the other that you should be able to do on both sides but overtime you have lost the ability to do so.
People do not always come in with pain, it maybe that they are trying to improve their swing in golf or running performance. It if was just a technique issue then probably the best person to see would be your coach, but it could that you need help to restore some mobility, co-ordination in movement, strength or power, that we can test.
If you do have an ache or pain what does your rehab/treatment look like? This will depend on the problem you have and what we test. Although we can do some manual treatment if required which is the traditional method of treatment - we do put a big emphasis on using exercises to restore movement. The exercises are sometimes quite different, where you may only be doing the exercise on one side, or improving breathing in different exercise positions to restore movement.